Coaching, mentoring and consulting for Medics and healthcare professionals
starting their own side hustle, business or personal brand with Dr Jo Watkins

Why is this so important?

Because bringing an idea to life so that you can help others and starting a new project business or doing anything for the first time is hard (but a lot of fun and the most rewarding thing you can do alongside the day job).

If you are not careful, you can spend a huge amount of money, along with huge time that you just don't have as you go down rabbit holes looking for the right next step. 

The internet experts will tell you they have the answer and can help you to a six or seven figure online business while you sleep (mmmmm.... there is really no such thing as passive income, it all takes a lot of work)

That is NOT what I do. 

What I do, is give you the knowledge (that you don't know you don't know yet), the right things to do in the right order, live support to ask questions and thrash out ideas PLUS a completely magical and inspiring community of like-minded people who completely get you and are on their own journey too. 

Look no further.

Let me help you so that you can get started without wasting your precious time, energy and money going after the wrong things. Below you will find details of my 1:1 offers plus a BSLM Special Offer for the group programme and course. 

BSLM Special Offer: CLICK HERE


  • Start your own project, side hustle or business 

  • Help people using your medical expertise or passion in a different way

  • Think about growing your online presence and social media without feeling sick at the thought of it

  • Have your own paying clients but more importantly make an impact and help people 


  • Overwhelmed with all the stuff and the choices

  • Feel like what you are able to do can help everyone and you don't want to niche down

  • Don’t know where to start and how or where to find your clients and patients yourself

  • Listening to different advice from everyone and going round in circles then just stopping in your tracks

BSLM Special Offer: CLICK HERE

What have other doctors have loved about working with Jo?


Who on earth is Dr Jo Watkins anyway and how can she help me?

Dr Jo Watkins is a freelance GP, a transformational life coach, business mentor, mum of 4, entrepreneur and small business owner who combines coaching, business mentoring and her passion of connection and community building into her 1:1 coaching and group programmes.

She has been described as a 'human catalyst' who thrives working with medics and heath care professionals, doing things differently. Filling them with the confidence to start, scale and build their own online business, blog, side hustle or product alongside their medical career.

Jo is a true portfolio medic, working as a GP on her terms when in the UK and running a thriving, scalable online coaching and mentoring  business plus The HOW People

Jo runs her business and communities from her laptop wherever she happens to be. Based in Mumbles, South Wales for most of the time with her family but they travel for 3 months each year or base themselves in the Canadian mountains for snowy winters. 

She uses her skills from over 25 years in medicine and 15 years learning business from the grassroots up while working out what she really wanted to do. Jo started with making her practice website back in 2009, then did an acupuncture qualification and a Botox course before creating, growing and folding a food product business, Bendylegs Granola and then renovating and marketing a successful holiday let before creating an online membership and in person project called The HOW People with a great friend and co-founder. The HOW People now collaborate with The Princes's Trust to deliver a programme into schools in Wales supporting teenage girls. Jo completed her Transformational Life Coaching Diploma with Tom Dillon after other Medics started approaching her asking for support, mentoring and coaching in their business. 

Jo has made all the mistakes, and worn all of the hats, in the process and continues to learn and grow her business each day. She is incredibly passionate about helping other medics navigate their own path and giving them the tools and practical advice to do this without it feeling overwhelming.

Catalysing the change from healthcare professional to whatever you want your life to look like around your medical career.

Signposting, trouble shooting, advising, listening, suggesting, building confidence, encouraging, challenging, being honest, understanding and totally getting how hard it is to be a medic who is doing things differently.

The digital revolution is changing how we can impact people and reach a wider audience. It is challenging the traditional healthcare model and what we are able to deliver. But, it can be overwhelming and feel to big a hurdle to even embark on. 

Dr Nerys Frater is a GP with an interest in diabetes who has been running 'The Lifestyle Clinic' for the patients in her surgery and local health board.

Over the course of 2022, with Jo's help and support, Nerys launched her first online course and community to support people with pre-diabetes across the UK and help them improve their lifestyle and reverse their blood sugars. As doctors we know, all too well, the knock on affect of this change on the long term health of the patient, reduction of other conditions over time, cost of medication and cost of GP and appointment time. Nerys is now running sell out group programmes to hundreds online and changing lives and health outcomes in the process under her own rules and agendas after a lot of hard work and leaping over the hurdles put in her way.

"It is invaluable to work with Jo. It is hard to keep going when you perceive resistance around you, but with Jo as a cheerleader by your side, you can achieve way more than you would ever do alone"
Nerys Frater, GP and founder of The Lifestyle Clinic 

Working in health care is hard.
Doing something new is hard.
Choose your hard. 

You feel it’s time to make a change.
Or maybe make a big jump.
You want to help people.
That is why you went into healthcare.
You can't seem to help people properly anymore.
It feels relentless... heavy.
No time.
No resources.
Waiting lists.

You have an idea.
You want to help in a different way.
You want to have an impact.
You have the skills but where you do start?
Or do you have enough skills?
Actually, you don't think so.
So you do another qualification.
That spark of an idea grows stronger and burns brighter.

But you are stuck.
How do I do this?
It's the tech.
It's confidence.
Or it's what happens next.

Or it is the really scary stuff.
Telling others.
Putting yourself out there.
The sales stuff.
What even is that?

Feeling exposed.
Feeling judged.

I get it.

Working in health care is hard.
Doing something new is hard.

Find your tribe to support you. 

Choose your hard. 

How can I work with Jo? 

1. HELP Intensive 1:1 consultancy and coaching package of support for 3 months is FULL until the new year. There is a waiting list for this 1:1 support. Fill in this application form 

2. HELP Lite 1:1 package £997 (5.5 hours of 1:1 coaching and mentoring over 4 months)
Link here

3. HELP Sprint 1:1 £750 is a new 30 day intensive offer. There are 3 slots available for this in October and November.
Link here

2. The 'Start Up Support Programme' offers the core content and learning to be able to take you from spinning with ideas through to your first 3-5 paying clients. This is a 4 month programme with live teaching of the content weekly in the "Early Learning Centre or ELC" which is 6-7am on a Tuesday or you can DIY the content yourself. Normally priced £1297

3. The Digital Doctor Membership offers monthly live coaching and support to Medics and Healthcare professionals who are running their own business. There are 5 live calls per month plus you are invited to the 'ELC' live sessions but there is no access to any recorded curriculum. Normally priced £997 or £97 a month 

4. Free monthly workshop with Q&A plus free monthly Journalling session which is announced in the newsletter. Click here to sign up

5. Podcast The Start Up Support Surgery Podcast full of interviews with clients and experts sharing their tips, stories and reflections. 


BSLM Special Offer 

To celebrate the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine Conference, there are 20 spaces only for a special offer package, following this I will offer places without the 1:1 with me or the VIP Mastermind included.

Offer closes Thursday 3rd October 12pm

The Start Up Support Programme (Normal price £1297)

The Digital Doctor Membership for 12 months (Normal price £997)

VIP Masterclass Day (Normal price £97)

45 minute 1:1 with me (Normal price £147)

TOTAL £2294

BSLM Special Offer: CLICK HERE

THE START UP SUPPORT PROGRAMME 4 MONTH ACCELERATOR starting in October, February and June each year (Normal price £1297)

This pre recorded core content involves easy to digest videos that can be listened to via an App and are accompanied by a printable workbook. Including are a series of 16 recorded masterminds with guest experts on Confidence building, Canva, Instagram, using LinkedIn and ‘Selling without Sleaze’ on webinars.


The ELC: The Early Learning Centre every week on Tuesday mornings 6-7am to accompany this programme. This is how I initially ring fenced time to work on my business by getting up an hour earlier each day. 

Live teaching session on all of the Modules, one by one, on 4 months on a cycle. Starting from Module 1 three times a year in October, February and June

Plus there will are two 'Open Surgery' sessions per month for beginners questions. 

BSLM Special Offer: CLICK HERE


  • Five live coaching and mentoring calls per month within a safe community of peers and mentors 
  • 1 Community and Connect Call with journalling and peer support
  • 1 Masterclass Call with guest speaker (this will be recorded) 
  • 1 Advanced Feedback Call (Hot Clinics/Review 10 minute slots available)
  •  2 x Advanced level only for those with a clear plan or paying clients so that you can progress and advance your digital marketing skills with the help of expert Mindset and Marketing coaches so that you have the best in the business supporting you for a fraction of the cost.
  • Admin support from Jo and Karina (Online Business Manager and VA) in a WhatsApp feed for questions and answers on tech or any issues
  • A wonderful community of like minded healthcare professionals that is held within a private WhatsApp community with supportive medical peers who are all doing things differently

Plus with each of the BSLM Special places you will receive a 45 minute 1:1 session with me PLUS a guaranteed place on the Online VIP Mastermind Day 9.30-3.30pm with Special Guests

Limited places available.

Booking link below to buy separately. 

Monday 30th September 
(This will be recorded if you can’t make it live)

9.30-10 am Tanya Lynch (Journaling to get the most out of the day ahead)
10-11am Amanda Morgan Thomas (Storytelling and the art of communication)
11-12pm Natalie Trice (PR and demystifying getting into the papers)
12-1pm Lunchtime break but I will be available for Hot Seats and Q&A
1-2pm Rachel Harington (Selling without sleaze on a webinar)
2-3pm Dr Aileen Alexander (Sales strategies and funnels)
3-3.30pm Tanya Lynch and Jo (Journalling and close)

Sign up for VIP Masterclass Day £97




Most would describe me as a doctor, a mother, a wife, and a small business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society, the education system and our long training in medicine or allied healthcare professions has put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay in there.

So, let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve. 

The crazy thing is that by exploring your ideas or doing something along side your day job you might well find the love back for what you are currently doing and feel like you have some balance or it might take you on a totally different tack. 

'Having time to think, dream and plan helped me work out my values and purpose"
Dr Jo Watkins 

"Jo has been an inspiration. She understands the uniqueness of combining being a doctor and a business woman which has been invaluable to me"
Dr Nerys Frater
Lifestyle Medic and GP
Founder of The Lifestyle Clinic


Jo is an exceptional listener and really tuned into my business world. I can see a structure and path more clearly than I have in a long time. 
Abi Williamson
Integrative Clinical Hypnotherapist and Teen Mentor

"Jo has blown all of my expectations out of the water. Jo is an inspiration and quietly gets the best out of everyone who talks to her"
Dr Rebecca Ryell
GP Partner 
Travel Blogger and writer

"Jo is an inspiration and a huge talent. She is filled with enthusiasm, unbelievable drive and has a heart so big that sharing seems to make her shine brighter than she already does"
Dr Felicity Blain
Portfolio GP and Life Coach 
Your 24 Coach

Jo's ability to incisively understand a problem and bring people together in a focused way to solve it, is second to none. She problem solves with wisdom, humanity and ultimately produces impactful results.
Dr Rini Chatterjee
Founder of Resilience Health 


"Jo's passion for life and ability to see the bigger picture always astounds me. One of her great talents is seeing the potential in people and harnessing their enthusiasm and skills needed to move projects forward"
Dr Tom Underwood
GP Locum
Landlord and Property Investor

Podcast Episodes with clients from The Start Up Support Surgery Programme

Why group coaching, I'd prefer 1:1?

"Being an entrepreneur, running a business and working for yourself is simply one huge rollercoaster of highs and lows, twists and turns. You need others who get it by your side"

Trust me. You need to ride this rollercoaster with like-minded souls who you can cry with, laugh with and celebrate with. You might think this is the last thing you need but it is a long lonely journey going it alone. 

What is the value of knowing you have others who have your back and will pick you up when you are finding things hard? 


Each month there are different live sessions available to suit your stage of business. 

You will get connection, try new skills, meet new people, be inspired by others stories, learn new skills, ask questions, get over road blocks and feel energised and ready to take on any challenges that come your way.


Most healthcare professionals find it really powerful to learn that others are having similar struggles and hear the creative ways they are showing up for themselves amongst the hustle of their normal work and personal lives.

The Digital Doctor Membership is the group coaching element and is the perfect place to kick off your business journey once you have learnt the basics within The Start Up Support Programme. 

"I love nothing more than watching the magic unfold as I support medics doing things differently and watch them, in turn, support each other." Dr Jo Watkins

'I was not sure about the group coaching, I thought I wanted 1:1 support to help me but the power of the peer support has blown my mind' Dr Rosie Khan

Questions you might have

If you have got this far you might have another question? 

Your email address is [email protected]
Why is that?

Well. That was how my journey from medicine into business first really took hold.

Making granola from the kitchen at home. Award winning Bendylegs Granola. The granola isn't part of our lives anymore (and is still the tastiest every made) but the name just stuck.