Let's get ready to Rumble 45 min 1:1

Grab the opportunity to invest some time in YOU, your personal or business idea, side hustle or your fully fledged and functioning business to really make progress and take it to the next level and to take action. 

If you are a doctor or healthcare professional who is doing things differently in whatever way then let me help you along the way. 

Yes, everything is possible with google, reading, talking to others and spending hours and hours trying to work out how to do things but nothing gives you more energy, clarity and direction than committing time to coaching and mentoring in business.

This process saves you hours and hours of time and heartache because building your own business, project or side hustle isn't easy and it can take over your life.

Hand holding, accountability, troubleshooting,  a focus in your direction, working through blocks and beliefs.

  • This is the arse kick you need to get started in your business 
  • 45 minutes live on Zoom 
  • Depending on your needs we will work on a plan for your next steps.
  • Where are you now and where do you want to be?
  • Generate funnels and lead magnet ideas for your business or ideas to move your personal goals forward
  • Discuss social media and ideas for showing up consistently despite that feeling weird and uncomfortable
  • Discuss your individual blocks that are getting in the way of you moving forward
  • Come up with solutions together to move you forward personally or within your business
  • Work on your mindset
  • Work on your visibility

This is a one off 45 minute coaching session with Dr Jo Watkins as per limited availability.

Jo will open a diary for booking of certain times and you can book ahead. You will be contacted on booking to book in a diary session.


£147.00 GBP